3 Services that Make Eating Clean Easy

Ok, so I am ALL for eating healthy food, but I am NOT into spending time standing in the aisle reading every ingredient on each product I need to buy. I love the idea of buying organic food, but it can get expensive really fast. Here are three, easy to use services that will help you get healthier food into your home while saving you time and money.

So without further ado, let's get to it.

Online Grocery Shopping with Thrive Market

I have a confession: I hate going to the grocery store. I can never seem to find what I need without crossing the store several times. I am nervous my daughter might have a spontaneous meltdown and I am tempted to grab every product on cookie aisle on my way to the organic vegetable section. Enter -Thrive Market.

Thrive Market makes healthy grocery shopping a breeze by only offering organic and Non-GMO products and delivering them directly to your door (think Amazon prime meets Whole Foods). You can find groceries, cleaning products, beauty products, and more and all at 25-50% savings when compared to a traditional health food store. Not only do you save money with every purchase, but your membership allows the company to give back to families in need. Check out the message behind Thrive Gives: 

Our mission is to make healthy living easy and affordable for everyone. That’s why when you buy a Thrive Market membership, you’re also donating one to a low-income family, teacher, veteran, or student. We also provide educational content and grocery stipends to our Gives members. That way, we can all Thrive together.

By shopping with Thrive, I have been able to keep my commitment to feeding my family healthier food while saving time and money. The best part is that you can try it for a month to see if it works for you! Gotta love a try it before you buy it situation. Click HERE to try your first month free and get 25% off your first order! 

Imperfect Produce

When my family started our switch to organic food, we couldn’t afford to make the jump all at once, so we started with produce. I still struggled with the pricing difference and would doubt the need for pricy produce every time I saw the cheaper food option next to the organic bin. Then I found Imperfect Produce. 

Imperfect Produce is a produce delivery service (notice a theme happening here?) that offers customizable fruit and vegetable boxes at affordable prices. How is this possible? I’m so glad you asked! About 20% of fruits and veggies never leave the farm because they are not pretty enough to be purchased and sold by major chains leaving them to rot. Don’t be fooled, these items may not look gorgeous on the outside but they do pack the same nutrient goodness on the inside. Imperfect Produce purchases those unwanted gems and delivers a custom box right to your doorstep. 

Our family chose the organic fruit and vegetable box to be delivered every other month. One of my favorite parts of this experience is the email reminder I receive right before my box is packed and shipped. The email allows me to take a look at what is coming in my box and make adjustments based on our current needs. I love that it helps me consider what we will actually use and what might go to waste, and it gives me the opportunity to plan accordingly. Before I know it, I have a box of healthy produce options on my doorstep. Sign up and get $10 towards your first HERE

Butcher Box

Meat eaters - this one is for you. My family and I started to reduce our meat consumption a few years ago and made some pretty feeble attempts to buy meat from companies that had better, more humane practices. Honestly, it came down to money and availability. We couldn’t seem to find a reliable source that would have healthier options at a price we could fit into our budget. We struggled to commit to buying better meat that is, until we found Butcher Box. 

Butcher Box offers 4 different curated boxes and 1 customizable box so you can get the best combination based off your preference along with two delivery schedules at every 30 days or 60 days so you only get enough for what you’ll really need. The best part of the program is they only sell 100% grass-fed beef, free range organic chicken, and heritage breed pork so you can trust human practices were used and they contain no added hormones. What a deal! 

Since this is one of our larger purchases, we opted for the 60-day delivery and I freeze the bulk of the box. I can’t tell you how convenient it has been to have an inventory of options for meals, especially when we have thrown together some last-minute dinner parties. Grab your first box HERE and get free bacon for life!


Tidy Up but make it sustainable


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