Change your lipstick. Change your life.


Making switch is easier than you think…

Like many of you, I have been hearing the buzz about “green” beauty products – also known as non-toxic products – for many years. Until a few years ago, though, I didn’t see a reason to change my routine. Then I started learning about the minimal regulations the United States places on the cosmetic and personal care industry, and I began to truly consider the potential harms to which I was exposing myself. I learned that I could dramatically reduce my exposure to questionable ingredients by simply switching out my toxic personal care products and replacing them with safer options. With so many good alternatives available, it’s easier than you think to make the switch! 

I want to encourage you to explore the areas of your life that need tending, and to help you eliminate the toxic loads that can prevent you from seeing your full potential. 

  • Take the Skin Care Quiz

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  • Request Clean Beauty Samples

    Please take two minutes to complete the Skin Care Quiz, so I know the right samples to send for your skin type.


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