Clean up your laundry with these 3 eco friendly tips!

Making environmentally friendly choices doesn’t have to be a chore. By implementing simple changes in habits and swapping out a few products, you can give your laundry an eco-boost without much fuss (or a big budget). Keep reading to find out how!

Select the cold wash

Over 75% of the energy when washing clothes comes from heating the water used on warm and hot washes. By selecting the cold temperature instead, you’ll not only help the environment but you may see a reduction in utilities bill each year as well. Bonus win- your clothes will last longer! Hot water breaks down the dyes used in clothes causing them to loose their original look. Going green really can be as easy as pushing a (cold) button.

Swap dryer sheets for wool dryer balls

Conventional dryer sheets contain harsh chemicals that release onto clothes during the dry cycle and being a single use product, they create added waste with each load. On the other hand, dryer balls are reusable and don’t contain the toxic chemicals found in their sheet counterparts. But reduction in toxic exposure isn’t the only benefit to using dryer balls. Unlike the flat sheets, dryer balls get in between laundry items which  By simply replacing these sheets with wool dryer balls you can drastically reduce your exposure to harmful chemicals and amount of waste at the same time. 

Switch to a safe detergent and stain removers

Similar to dryer sheets, laundry detergent and stain removers often contain ingredients that do more damage than good. While they may clean the surface of your clothes, the toxins can transfer onto the garments, exposing you to more harm. Thankfully, there are several brands that are committed to safety and also performance so you can make a clean swap without sacrificing the quality of the wash. My top two favorite safe brands are Molly’s Suds and Greenshield both of which can be found on Amazon and have made switching to safe simple. Stocking these brands helps make this decision a no brainer and an easy switch to sustain.

*Not sure if your detergent is safe? Head to Environmental Working Group to check your products and see how they rate.


Kiss toxins Goodbye - the one product you need to switch to today!


I started washing my face every day and did not expect this to happen.