Can a nontoxic hair color actually work?

Okay, so this is a post I never thought I'd write. For those who don't know me, I am NOT a DIY kind of gal. I can appreciate the budget friendly angle. I can appreciate the resourcefulness and the craftiness of a true DIY project. And I can appreciate that DIY is not for me. I have such a difficult time starting new system and I'd much rather find a solution, or someone has already done the hard work where I can enjoy their product or service.

At the time of writing this, we are in a global pandemic. This time has been so difficult in so many ways but it has forced me to turn off autopilot on so many of my habits that were created without intention. It has given me an opportunity to assess my routines and fix pain points that I previously never made time to fix.

Now, if you have followed along you may have seen that I am a big fan of simple switches, finding a clean fix for any and all areas of my life. That might be exposing me to harmful ingredients and finding a safer option. I'm all about changes and switches that don't require me to sacrifice the things that I love the services that I use, but rather empower me to make a confident decision, wherever that may be.

With the forced shutdown of hair salons, and the fact that I have two kids under the age of three and run my own business from home, I can say with full transparency that I have plenty of gray hairs that I touch up regularly throughout any given year. In fact, I've actually been dyeing my hair since I was about 13 years old. So, when the all the hair salons shut down here in Los Angeles I was forced to make a decision which to most people is probably not such a big deal, but I'd never thought in a million years that I would be a person to die my own hair.

Maybe you've done it a million times maybe you don't dye your hair at all. Maybe you're thinking, "how have you not already found a safer option?" This is simply part of my routine that I just had not switched over yet I had not found a safer option that I actually liked, and certainly wasn't going to try to do it myself. But when push came to shove, I decided to try a safer brand and do my own hair.

I want to be clear here doing my own hair actually means that I had my sister helped me because she is such a pro at doing things like this and I needed to have supervision because I just couldn't do it alone. There was something about the stigma of safer haircare and coloring that I just was so nervous that it wasn't going to work, and I was doubling down on that by trying to do it myself.

But who should come to my rescue but Madison Reed. Madison Reed is known for high quality hair color, and for using safe ingredients. This was a must try for me if I was going to be going down this route, and I'm excited to report that it was so easy to do and I absolutely love the color.

I am so thankful that Madison Reed developed a product that is free of some really nasty ingredients, so I can get the hair color that I want to have feel confident about the way I look and move on with my life. It does not have to be this big expensive task, I still might have someone else professionally do it because that's what I preferred.

I know it may seem silly or frivolous to some of you who are just so quick to express yourself through different hair colors but for me, I was terrified. I was nervous that I was going to take a leap in my life and come up short on the landing. I was scared that I was not going to be able to sustain the change. Yet, there I was, staring back at myself with the visual reminder that I can try new things, that I could step out of my comfort zone and I could do so successfully.

Here is your green light to try something new or make a change that is a step out of the box. Is there a change you know you need to make but haven't gotten the courage to make it? Now is your time!


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